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Demoniak3D/LUA API: Motion-paths Management library

The HYP_MotionPath library performs general operations on motion-paths.


Attach allows to attach a motion-path to an object (model, mesh, light, gizmo, camera).
HYP_MotionPath.Attach( object_name, motion_path_name, time_offset, time_step );
  • object_name - [STR127] - name of the object to which you wish to attach a motion-path.
  • motion_path_name - [STR127] - name of the motion path.
  • time_offset - [CLAMPED_REAL] - initial value of the time offset. Put 0.0 to start at the beginning of the motion-path (1.0 corresponds to the end of the motion-path).
  • time_step - [CLAMPED_REAL] - value of the increment along the motion-path. With each frame, the object moves time_step on motion-path.
-- test de HYP_SetMotionPath.
HYP_MotionPath.Attach( "light01", "main_motion_path", 0.0, 0.0001 );
To detach a motion-path from an object, just replace the name of the motion-path by the "NULL" character string
HYP_SetMotionPath( "light01", "NULL", 0.0 );


GetValueByTime makes it possible to get the 3d position of a point on the motion-path for a "t" standardized time (ranging between 0.0 and 1.0).

This function is useful because it is not necessary to attach a motion-path to an object so that it moves along the motion-path. This can apply to any object whose position can be changed (via LUA), just by declaring a motion_path node in the XML script.
x, y, z = HYP_MotionPath.GetValueByTime( motion_path_name, time );
  • motion_path_name - [STR127] - name of the motion path.
  • time - [CLAMPED_REAL] - time value. 0.0 is the beginning of the motion-path and 1.0 is the end.
  • x - [REAL] - X coordinate of the position
  • y - [REAL] - Y coordinate of the position
  • z - [REAL] - Z coordinate of the position
time = 0.26;
x, y, z = HYP_MotionPath.GetValueByTime( "main_motion_path", time );


GetObjectCurrentTime makes it possible to get the temporal current position of an object on a motion-path. This function is useful to know for example the end of the trajectory when a motion path has been attached with the object.
time = HYP_MotionPath.GetObjectCurrentTime( object_name );
  • object_name - [STR127] - name of the object.
  • time - [CLAMPED_REAL] - time value. 0.0 is the beginning of the motion-path and 1.0 is the end.

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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