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Demoniak3D/LUA Api: Meshes Management library

The HYP_Mesh library performs general operations on the meshes of the scene.


CopyVerticesList allows to copy all vertices from a source mesh to a destination mesh.
HYP_Mesh.CopyVerticesList( src_mesh_name| src_mesh_id, 
dst_mesh_name| dst_mesh_id );
  • src_mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the source mesh specified in the XML script by the name attribute.
  • src_mesh_id - [INTEGER] - source mesh identifier.
  • dst_mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the destination mesh specified in the XML script by the name attribute.
  • dst_mesh_id - [INTEGER] - destination mesh identifier.


SetCloningMode allows to specify the manner a mesh is cloned.
HYP_Mesh.SetCloningMode( mesh_name| mesh_id, options );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh to be cloned specified in the XML script by the name attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the mesh to be cloned.
  • options - [INTEGER] - type of cloning:
    • new clone holds its own mesh data: MESH_CLONING_NOT_SHARE_MESHDATA = 1 - default value.
    • new clone shares mesh data with the base mesh: MESH_CLONING_SHARE_MESHDATA = 2.


FlipNormals allows to inverse the mesh normals.
HYP_Mesh.FlipNormals( mesh_name| mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


GetNumFaces allows to get the number of faces of a mesh.
num_faces = HYP_Mesh.GetNumFaces( mesh_name| mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • num_faces - [INTEGER] - number of faces of the mesh.


GetFaceIndexes allows to get index of vertices of a particular face of the mesh. The meshes handled in Hyperion thus have triangular faces each face has 3 index. Each one of these index can then be used in the Set/GetVertex_ function... () to reach and modify the vertices of the face.
a, b, c = HYP_Mesh.GetFaceIndexes( mesh_name| mesh_id, face_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • face_index - [INTEGER] - index of the face. This index must lie between 0 and HYP_Mesh.GetNumFaces()-1.
  • a, b, c - [INTEGER] - index of the 3 vertices of the face.


GetFaceNormal allows to get the normal vector of a particular face of the mesh. The normal vector is expressed in model local space.
x, y, z = HYP_Mesh.GetFaceNormal( mesh_name| mesh_id, face_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • face_index - [INTEGER] - index of the face. This index must lie between 0 and HYP_Mesh.GetNumFaces()-1.
  • x, y, z - [REAL] - coordinates of the normal vector.


GetElevation allows to get the height (y) and the index (in the faces list) of a mesh's face that is vertically located just below the active camera. This function allows the camera to follow the relief of a ground, for example.

This function performs a ray throw whose origin is the position of the camera and whose direction is the <0.0, -1.0, 0.0> vector. The returned y_out value is the y coordinate of the collision point between the ray and the face of the mesh.
y_out, face_index = HYP_Mesh.GetElevation( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
cam_x, cam_y, cam_z );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • cam_x - [REAL] - X position of the active camera.
  • cam_y - [REAL] - Y position of the active camera.
  • cam_z - [REAL] - Z position of the active camera.
  • y_out - [REAL] - height (Y axis) of the triangle detected below the camera.
  • face_index - [INTEGER] - index of the current face detected below the camera.


CastRay allows to cast a ray (orig + t*dir) and get the result of the collision with the mesh. If no collision is detected, the collision time si set to 99999999.0.

x, y, z, face, time = HYP_Mesh.CastRay( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
orig_x, orig_y, orig_z, 
dir_x, dir_y, dir_z );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • orig_x - [REAL] - X coordinate of the origin of the ray.
  • orig_y - [REAL] - Y coordinate of the origin of the ray.
  • orig_z - [REAL] - Z coordinate of the origin of the ray.
  • dir_x - [REAL] - X coordinate of the direction vector of the ray.
  • dir_y - [REAL] - Y coordinate of the direction vector of the ray.
  • dir_z - [REAL] - Z coordinate of the direction vector of the ray.
  • x - [REAL] - X position of the collision point with the mesh.
  • y - [REAL] - Y position of the collision point with the mesh.
  • z - [REAL] - Z position of the collision point with the mesh.
  • face - [INTEGER] - index of the collision face.
  • time - [INTEGER] - collision time.


DoTweening allows to morph (to gradually transform) a tween mesh between a mesh of beginning (start mesh) and a mesh of ending (end mesh). The morphing is linear between the 2 meshes. The meshes must have the same topology (same number of vertices and faces). This function is used in the characters keyframes animations.
HYP_Mesh.DoTweening( tween_mesh_name| tween_mesh_id, 
start_mesh_name| start_mesh_id, 
end_mesh_name| end_mesh_id, 
time );
  • tween_mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the tween mesh as specified in the the XML script by the name attribute.
  • tween_mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh tween identifier.
  • start_mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the starting mesh as specified in the XML script by the name attribute.
  • start_mesh_id - [INTEGER] - starting mesh identifier.
  • end_mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the ending mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • end_mesh_id - [INTEGER] - ending mesh identifier.
  • time - [REAL] - value of the morphing (or blending) parameter specifying a precise transformation state between the starting mesh and the ending mesh. The time parameter must lie between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0 corresponds to the starting mesh and 1.0 corresponds to the ending mesh).
This function interpolates the position and the normal of each vertex.


SetVertexNormal allows to change the value of the normal vector associated with a particular vertex.
HYP_Mesh.SetVertexNormal( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
vertex_index, nx, ny, nz );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex ranging between 0 and HYP_GetMeshVerticesNumber()-1.
  • nx - [REAL] - new value of the X coordinate of the normal.
  • ny - [REAL] - new value of the Y coordinate of the normal.
  • nz - [REAL] - new value of the Z coordinate of the normal.
local vec = {x=0.0, y=1.0, z=0.0};
local vi = 0;
local max_vertices = HYP_Mesh.GetNumVertices("mySphere");
while(vi<max_vertices) do
	HYP_Mesh.SetVertexNormal( "mySphere", vi, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z );
	vi = vi + 1;
In order to get correct lighting calculations, do not forget to standardize the normal vector (length of the vector = 1.0).


GetVertexNormal allows to get the value of the normal vector associated with a particular vertex.
nx, ny, nz = HYP_Mesh.GetVertexNormal( mesh_name| mesh_id, vertex_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex ranging between 0 and HYP_GetMeshVerticesNumber()-1.
  • nx - [REAL] - new value of the X coordinate of the normal.
  • ny - [REAL] - new value of the Y coordinate of the normal.
  • nz - [REAL] - new value of the Z coordinate of the normal.


GetVertexColor allows to get the value of the color associated with a particular vertex.
r, g, b, a = HYP_Mesh.GetVertexColor( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
vertex_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index du vertex compris entre 0 et HYP_GetMeshVerticesNumber()-1.
  • r - [CLAMPED_REAL] - value of the red component.
  • g - [CLAMPED_REAL] - value of the green component.
  • b - [CLAMPED_REAL] - value of the blue component.
  • a - [CLAMPED_REAL] - value of the alpha component.


GetVertexUVCoords allows to get the value of the texture coordinates associated with a particular vertex and for a given texture unit.
u, v = HYP_Mesh.GetVertexUVCoords( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
vertex_index, texture_unit );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex ranging between 0 and HYP_GetMeshVerticesNumber()-1.
  • texture_unit - [INTEGER] - texture unit ranging between 0 and 7.
  • u - [REAL] - value of the U component of the texture coordinates.
  • v - [REAL] - value of the V component of the texture coordinates.


SetVertexUVCoords allows to change the value of the texture coordinates of a particular vertex of a mesh.
HYP_Mesh.SetVertexUVCoords( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
vertex_index, texture_unit, new_u, new_v );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex starting from 0 for the first index.
  • texture_unit - [INTEGER] - number of the texture unit (TU) ranging between 0 and 7. In practice, only units 0 and 1 are used in the case of 2 layers multitexturing.
  • new_u - [REAL] - new value of the tiling factor of the U texture coordinate.
  • new_v - [REAL] - new value of the tiling factor of the V texture coordinate.


SetPivotPosition allows to change the position of the mesh pivot (or local reference mark) without changing the position of the vertices.
HYP_Mesh.SetPivotPosition( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
new_x, new_y, new_z );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • new_x - [REAL] - new X position of the pivot.
  • new_y - [REAL] - new Y position of the pivot.
  • new_z - [REAL] - new Z position of the pivot.


SetPivotOrientation allows to change the position of the mesh pivot (or local reference mark) without changing the position of the vertices.
HYP_Mesh.SetPivotOrientation( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
angle, axe_x, axe_y, axe_z );


HYP_Mesh.SetPivotOrientation( mesh_name| mesh_id, 
pitch, yaw, roll );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • angle - [REAL] - rotation angle in degrees around the axis defined by the following X, Y and Z values.
  • axe_x - [REAL] - X coordinate of the rotation axis.
  • axe_y - [REAL] - Y coordinate of the rotation axis.
  • axe_z - [REAL] - Z coordinate of the rotation axis.
  • pitch - [REAL] - rotation angle in degrees around the X axis.
  • yaw - [REAL] - rotation angle in degrees around the Y axis.
  • roll - [REAL] - rotation angle in degrees around the Z axis.


SetVerticesColor allows to change the color of all the vertices of a mesh.
HYP_Mesh.SetVerticesColor( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • new_r - [CLAMPED_REAL] - red component of the vertices color.
  • new_g - [CLAMPED_REAL] - green component of the vertices color.
  • new_b - [CLAMPED_REAL] - blue component of the vertices color.
  • new_a - [CLAMPED_REAL] - alpha component of the vertices color.


GetNumVertices allows to get the number of vertices of a mesh.
n = HYP_Mesh.GetNumVertices( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


GetVertexPosition allows to get the position of a particular vertex of a mesh.
x, y, z = HYP_Mesh.GetVertexPosition( mesh_name|mesh_id, vertex_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index du vertex en commençant à partir de 0 pour le premier index.
  • x - [REAL] - X position of the vertex.
  • y - [REAL] - Y position of the vertex.
  • z - [REAL] - Z position of the vertex.


PushVerticesList allows to save the current vertices of the mesh before modification. The HYP_PopMeshVerticesList function will make it possible to restore them.
HYP_Mesh.PushVerticesList( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


PopVerticesList allows to restore the vertices of the mesh that have been saved with HYP_PushMeshVerticesList.
HYP_Mesh.PopVerticesList( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


GetNumPlaneSegments allows to get the number of segments of a mesh plane as initialized in the XML script.
nXSegs, nYSegs = HYP_Mesh.GetNumPlaneSegments( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • nXSegs - [INTEGER] - number of segments in the width.
  • nYSegs - [INTEGER] - number of segments in the height.


UpdateAllNormals allows to recompute the normal vector with each vertex after modification. This is fundamental for lighting calculations.
HYP_Mesh.UpdateAllNormals( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


UpdateVertexNormalField allows to recompute the vertices normal vectors field.
HYP_Mesh.UpdateVertexNormalField( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


UpdateFaceNormalField allows to recompute the faces normal vectors field.
HYP_Mesh.UpdateFaceNormalField( mesh_name|mesh_id );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


SetVertexPosition allows to change the position of a particular vertex of a mesh.
HYP_Mesh.SetVertexPosition( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
new_x, new_y, new_z );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - vertex index starting from 0 for the first index.
  • x - [REAL] - X position of the vertex.
  • y - [REAL] - Y position of the vertex.
  • z - [REAL] - Z position of the vertex.
For the sake of speed, SetVertexPosition_Fast does not verify the validity of the input parameters.


SetVertexColor allows to change the color of a particular vertex of a mesh.
HYP_Mesh.SetVertexColor( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex starting from 0 for the first index.
  • new_r - [CLAMPED_REAL] - new value of the red component of the vertex color.
  • new_g - [CLAMPED_REAL] - new value of the green component of the vertex color.
  • new_b - [CLAMPED_REAL] - new value of the blue component of the vertex color.
  • new_a - [CLAMPED_REAL] - new value of the alpha component of the vertex color.


SetTexCoordsTiling allows to multiply the texture coordinates of all the mesh's vertices by a tiling factor. Default value is 1.0.
HYP_Mesh.SetTexCoordsTiling( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
tile_u, tile_v );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • tu - [INTEGER] - number of the texture unit (Texture Unit). In practice, only units 0 and 1 are used in the case of 2 layers multitexturing.
  • tile_u - [REAL] - new value of the tiling factor of the U texture coordinate.
  • tile_v - [REAL] - new value of the tiling factor of the V texture coordinate.


SetTexCoordsOffset allows to add an offset to the texture coordinates of all the mesh's vertices. Default value is 0.0.
HYP_Mesh.SetTexCoordsOffset( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
offset_u, offset_v );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • tu - [INTEGER] - number of the texture unit (Texture Unit). In practice, only units 0 and 1 are used in the case of 2 layers multitexturing.
  • offset_u - [REAL] - offset to be added to u coords.
  • offset_v - [REAL] - offset to be added to v coords.


ScaleVertices allows to apply a scale factor to the vertices of the mesh. The original position of the vertices is automatically saved. This makes that when using a factor of 1.0, the vertices will take place again in their original position.
HYP_Mesh.ScaleVertices( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
scale_factor_x, scale_factor_y, scale_factor_z );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • scale_factor_x - [REAL] - X scaling factor of the vertex.
  • scale_factor_y - [REAL] - Y scaling factor of the vertex.
  • scale_factor_z - [REAL] - Z scaling factor of the vertex.


SetVertexAttrib allows to modify the 4d vector associated with each of the 5 vertex attributes. By default the first 2 vertex attributes are initialised by oZone3D when the mesh is built and represent the tangent vectors to each vertex (tangent: 1 and binormal: 2).
HYP_Mesh.SetVertexAttrib( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
vertex_index, vertex_attrib, x, y, z, w );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex from 0 to n-1 vertices.
  • vertex_attrib - [INTEGER] - number of the vertex attributes from 1 to 5.
  • x - [REAL] - X component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • y - [REAL] - Y component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • z - [REAL] - Z component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • w - [REAL] - W component of the attribute's 4d vector.


GetVertexAttrib allows to get the 4d vector associated with each of the 5 vertex attributes.
x, y, z, w = HYP_Mesh.GetVertexAttrib( mesh_name|mesh_id, 
vertex_index, vertex_attrib );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - index of the vertex from 0 to n-1 vertices.
  • vertex_attrib - [INTEGER] - number of the vertex attributes from 1 to 5.
  • x - [REAL] - X component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • y - [REAL] - Y component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • z - [REAL] - Z component of the attribute's 4d vector.
  • w - [REAL] - W component of the attribute's 4d vector.


VBQuad_Create allows to create a VBQuad.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_Create( num_quads );
  • num_quads - [INTEGER] - number of quads managed by the VBQuad.


VBQuad_Destroy allows to destroy a VBQuad.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_Destroy( mesh_name| mesh_id  );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the vb_quad.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - vb_quad identifier.


VBQuad_AddQuad allows to add a quad to a VB_QUAD type mesh.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_AddQuad( mesh_name| mesh_id , 
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - name of the mesh as specified in the XML script by the "name" attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier returned by HYP_Mesh.Clone(), or HYP_Model.GetSubMeshByName() or HYP_Model.GetFirstSubMesh().
  • quad_name - [STR127] - name of the quad primitive as specified in the XML script by the name attribute.
  • quad_id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the QUAD type primitive.
local i = 0;
while(i<1000) do
	local id_quad = HYP_Primitive.CloneQuad("masterQuad");
	HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_AddQuad( "grassVertexBufferMesh", id_quad );
	i = i + 1;


VBQuad_SetQuadVertexPosition allows to modify the position of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_SetQuadVertexPosition( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index, x, y, z  );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • x, y, z - [REAL] - new vertex position.
For the sake of speed, this function does not check the validity of input parameters.


VBQuad_GetQuadVertexPosition allows to retrieve the position of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
x, y, z = HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_GetQuadVertexPosition( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • x, y, z - [REAL] - vertex position.
For the sake of speed, this function does not check the validity of input parameters.


VBQuad_SetQuadVertexUV allows to modify the UV coordinates of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_SetQuadVertexUV( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index, tu, u, v );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • tu - [INTEGER] - texture unit from 0 to 7.
  • u, v - [REAL] - new texture coords.


VBQuad_GetQuadVertexUV allows to read the UV coordinates of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
u, v = HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_GetQuadVertexUV( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index, tu );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • tu - [INTEGER] - texture unit from 0 to 7.
  • u, v - [REAL] - new texture coords.


VBQuad_SetQuadVertexColor allows to modify the color of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_SetQuadVertexColor( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index, r, g, b, a );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • r, g, b, a - [REAL] - new vertex color.
For the sake of speed, this function does not check the validity of input parameters.


VBQuad_GetQuadVertexColor allows to retrieve the color of one of the four vertices of a particular quad of a VB_Quad mesh.
r, g, b, a = HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_GetQuadVertexColor( mesh_id, 
quad_index, vertex_index );
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • quad_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based quad index.
  • vertex_index - [INTEGER] - zero-based vertex index. 0<=vertex_index<=3.
  • r, g, b, a - [REAL] - vertex color.
For the sake of speed, this function does not check the validity of input parameters.


CreateBox allows to create a BOX mesh.
id = HYP_Mesh.CreateBox( name, 
width, height, depth, 
w_segs, h_segs, d_segs );
  • name - [STR127] - name to be given to the mesh.
  • width - [REAL] - width (X) of the box
  • height - [REAL] - height (Y) of the box
  • depth - [REAL] - depth (Z) of the box
  • w_segs - [INTEGER] - number of X segments
  • h_segs - [INTEGER] - number of Y segments
  • d_segs - [INTEGER] - number of Z segments
  • id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the new created mesh.


CreatePlane allows to create a PLANE mesh.
id = HYP_Mesh.CreatePlane( name, 
width, height, 
w_segs, h_segs );
  • name - [STR127] - name to be given to the mesh.
  • width - [REAL] - width (X) of the plane
  • height - [REAL] - height (Z) of the plane
  • w_segs - [INTEGER] - number of X segments
  • h_segs - [INTEGER] - number of Z segments
  • id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the new created mesh.


CreateSphere allows to create a SPHERE type mesh.
id = HYP_Mesh.CreateSphere( name, radius, stacks, slices );
  • name - [STR127] - name to be given to the mesh.
  • radius - [REAL] - sphere radius.
  • stacks - [INTEGER] - number of vertical divisions.
  • slices - [INTEGER] - number of horizontal divisions.
  • id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the new created mesh.


CreateTorus allows to create a TORUS type mesh.
id = HYP_Mesh.CreateTorus( name, 
section_radius );
  • name - [STR127] - name to be given to the mesh.
  • radius - [REAL] - large radius of the torus.
  • slices - [INTEGER] - number of horizontal divisions.
  • section_radius - [REAL] - small radius of the torus.
  • id - [INTEGER] - identifier of the new created mesh.


Destroy allows to destroy a mesh created with one of the mesh creation functions.
HYP_Mesh.Destroy( name|id );
  • name - [STR127] - mesh name.
  • id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.


GetFaceCenterPosition allows to get the centre position of a mesh paticular face.
x, y, z = HYP_Mesh.GetFaceCenterPosition( mesh_name| mesh_id, face_index );
  • mesh_name - [STR127] - mesh name as spécified in the XML script wiht the name attribute.
  • mesh_id - [INTEGER] - mesh identifier.
  • face_index - [INTEGER] - face index. This index must be contained between 0 and HYP_Mesh.GetNumFaces()-1.
  • x, y, z - [REAL] - position coordinates.


VBQuad_SortFacesInCameraSpace performs faces sorting in camera space.
HYP_Mesh.VBQuad_SortFacesInCameraSpace( vbquad_id, camera_id, order );
  • vbquad_id - [INTEGER] - vbquad identifier.
  • camera_id - [INTEGER] - camera identifier.
  • order - [INTEGER] - faces sorting order:
    • FRONT_TO_BACK = 0
    • BACK_TO_FRONT = 1

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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