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HardwareInfos - OpenGL Extensions GLSL VBO PBO FBO DOT3

OpenGL Information and Extensions list

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Version: 1.5.2 - Release date: January 22, 2007

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Version: 1.5.2 - Release date: January 22, 2007
HardwareInfos is a freeware, it cannot be sold or rented. You can copy it and distribute it freely. In case of distribution (CDROM, ...), you should simply inform The oZone3D Team (info [AT] ozone3d [DOT] net).

For any bug report or feedback, please send an email to info [AT] ozone3d [DOT] net and add "[HARDWAREINFOS FEEDBACK]" to the subject.


HardwareInfos is a tiny tool that quickly provides essential information regarding the graphics controller and its capabilities under OpenGL. The CPU/GPU information can be exported to a conveniant XML file. It is also possible to display the OpenGL extensions list supported by the graphics card.

The information is classified under 3 categories:

  • System: CPU, frequency, memory, Windows version and Service Pack number.

  • Graphics Controller: model, vendor, supported OpenGL version and graphics drivers version.

  • OpenGL Features: this section is regularly updated with each new release of the 3D engine, but we can still get the same important information such as the texture size, the number of texture units (a fundamental feature with the increased use of vertex and pixel shaders that stress the texture units in order to achieve the latest dazzling graphics effect), vertex and pixel shaders support, VBO/PBO support (Vertex/Pixel Buffer Object: OpenGL extension that helps improving 3D objects rendering).

A correctly configured graphics controller will give a result similar to:

While an incorrectly configured graphics controller (the drivers are not installed) will give the following result for Model, Vendor and OpenGL Version:

"GDI Generic" simply means that the OpenGL drivers are not installed; by default, Windows does not provide the OpenGL drivers. It is up to the user to perform the update. Just download the graphics drivers corresponding to the graphics controller model closest to the manufacturer.


Version 1.5.2 - January 22, 2007
  • Change: cpu speed measuring
  • Change: improved the display of information

Version 1.5.0 - October 18, 2006
  • Feature: added copy'n'paste of the name of an OpenGL extension
  • Update: exported data are now correct
  • Update: texture information is directly visible
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.4.1 - May 5, 2006
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.4.0 - March 8, 2006
  • Feature: retrieval of the number of vertex shader texture samplers
  • Feature: ATI 3Dc texture compression support detection
  • Feature: NPOT (Non Power Of Two) textures support detection
  • Feature: new System/CPU detections: number of cores, HyperTheading, MMX and SSE
  • Update: improve the detection of texture rectangles support
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.3.1 - Jan 26, 2006
  • Bugfix: in the system/cpu information retrieval
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.3.0 - Jan 12, 2006
  • Feature: GLSL Version
  • Feature: NPOTD (Non Power Of Two Dimension) Texture Rectangles
  • Feature: Floating Point Textures
  • Feature: information export in XML format
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.2.30 - Sept 16, 2005
  • Feature: FSAA (Full Scene Anti Aliasing) number of samples information
  • Feature: S3TC (compressed textures) support information
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core

Version 1.2.24 - August 03, 2005
  • Feature: point_sprite particle max size
  • Feature: Supported OpenGL extensions list
  • Update: new oZone3D kernel and new OpenGL rendering core


  • HardwareInfos @ benchmarkHQ
  • HardwareInfos @
  • HardwareInfos @ Irrlicht Forums

  • GeeXLab demos

    GLSL - Mesh exploder

    PhysX 3 cloth demo

    Normal visualizer with GS

    Compute Shaders test on Radeon

    Raymarching in GLSL

    >Texture DataPack #1
    >Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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