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Demoniak3D/LUA Api: Export library

These functions allow to export the scene in a script format for external rendering engines (POVRay, YafRay).


ExportSceneForRenderer makes it possible to export the current frame (from the camera point of view) in a script format for rendering engines such as POVRay or YafRay. The type of script depends on the export plugins that are loaded when launching Hyperion. By default, the export plugins for POVRay and YafRay are available (o3_plugin_raytracer_POVRAY.o3p and o3_plugin_raytracer_YAFRAY.o3p).

These export plugins intended for raytracers are still at the experimental stage. Some functionalities are not yet taken into account: the most significant are transparencies, reflexions or refractions.
HYP_Export.ExportSceneForRenderer( [plugin_name] );
  • plugin_name - [STR127] - name of the export plugin. This name is optional. If the name is not specified, the first loaded plugin will be used.
    The names of the plugins are:
    • >"o3PluginRaytracerPOVRAY": plugin POVRay
    • >"o3PluginRaytracerYAFRAY": plugin YafRay

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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