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Code Samples

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Code Sample 32  

Shows how to use a simple vertex pixel shader written in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language).

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - model - material - shader_program_name - shader_program

Code Sample 34  

Shows an example of X-Ray Shader. The original shader comes from ATI's ASHLI software.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - model - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - constant_1f

Code Sample 30  

Shows how to load automatically normal map whew loading models using loading_option element of model node. Shows a simple GLSL material bump mapping shader.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - texture - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - constant_1i - vertex_attrib - model - loading_option - compute_vertices_normals - load_normal_map - compute_tangent_space_vectors - free_pixmap_after_upload

Code Sample 31  

Shows how to clone model with LUA script. Shows how to setup Vertex and Pixel Shader, written in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language), to light up scene. Shows the influence of ambient, diffuse and specular terms of light and materials.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - texture - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - model - script

Code Sample 33  

Shows how to clone model with LUA script. Shows how to setup Vertex and Pixel Shader, written in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language), to light up and texture the scene. Shows an example of a shader bump mapping.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - texture - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - script - model - loading_option - compute_vertices_normals - compute_tangent_space_vectors

Code Sample 48  

Shows a cartoon shader.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - mesh - torus

Code Sample 63  

Shows how to use several dynamic lights in shader programs. Shows a very cool alien head done by Satyr. Shows how to setup widescreen with hud.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - model - loading_option - compute_vertices_normals - compute_tangent_space_vectors

Code Sample 83  

Shows how move grass (simple quad) with GLSL vertex shader. Shows binary alpha map and hardware alpha-test.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - skybox - texture - mesh - binary_alpha_map_color - create_binary_alpha_map - script - primitive - quad - alpha_test_params - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - constant_1i - constant_1f

Code Sample 84  

Shows how to do animated grass using a GLSL vertex shader. Shows how to use mesh vbquad (an optimized quads array) to improve speed. Shows also the impact of trilinear filtering and mipmapping to incrase speed.

Keywords: scene - check_hardware_caps - camera - skybox - texture - binary_alpha_map_color - create_binary_alpha_map - num_mipmaps - TRILINEAR - script - primitive - quad - alpha_test_params - material - shader_program_name - shader_program - constant_1i - constant_1f - mesh - VB_QUAD

Code Sample 112  

Shows how to inject an apha map into the alpha channel of a texture and how to perform the alpha testing in the pixel shader.

Keywords: alpha map - inject_opacity_map - pixel shader - discard

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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