Current version: 0.45.1 | Current version: 1.30.0
| Current version:
| Current version: |
| Current version: 1.5.4
| Current version: 0.3.0 | Current version: 0.3.0
| Current Version: 1.23.0
Demoniak3DCode Samples
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Shows how to use lightmaps to create soft shadows.
Shows how to use use LUA scripting to simalute the water surface
by moving the mesh plane vertices.
Keywords: include - scene - check_hardware_caps - mesh - bump_mapping_attach_light - model - material - script - lua - lightmapping

This code sample shows how to achieve a more complex scene with reflective water (reflective surface that simulates water movement), a particle system, a terrain and a skybox.
Keywords: include - scene - mesh - terrain - particle_system - primitive - line - skybox - light

This code shows how to simulate the sun activity. It uses several features of Hyperion
and shows how to mix those different techniques to get a final result, such as primitives, mesh,
blending techniques, multitexturing, sprites, billboarding, texture rotation, etc. and of course a LUA scripting code.
Shows also how to split your projet in several source codes.
Keywords: include - hyperion_lib - LUA - mesh - primitive - shape_type - blending_params - particle_system - particle_system_action - texture - pixel_format - function_type - addressing_mode - spin_value - LUA - use_texture_matrix - billboarding
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