Current version: 0.45.1 | Current version: 1.30.0
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Last Update: January 31, 2007
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8 - 7600 GS: Benchmarks - ArchMark
ArchMark v0.50
ArchMark Report:
ArchMark 0.50
Driver: GeForce 7600 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! v2.1.0
1024x768 @ unknown refresh rate (assuming 85Hz)
Flushing commands, no buffer swaps
- 32 bits
- Mode: R8G8B8A8 Z24 S8
- 5.359 GPix/s color only
- 7.130 GPix/s z only
- 5.169 GPix/s color and z
- 4.055 GPix/s z tested (pass), color and z
- 27.957 GPix/s discardable by LEQUAL depth test
- 5.354 GPix/s discardable by GEQUAL depth test
- 27.956 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL depth test
- 7.154 GPix/s stencil writes
- 27.956 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL stencil test
- stencil test passed
- 5.624 GPix/s pure stencil updates
- 3.733 GPix/s z fail (LEQUAL), stencil update
- z test passed (LEQUAL)
- 5.624 GPix/s stencil update
- 3.733 GPix/s stencil update, z update
- 5.022 GPix/s color replace
- 3.517 GPix/s z update, color replace
- 3.566 GPix/s stencil update, color replace
- 2.744 GPix/s stencil update, z update, color replace
- 16 bits
- Mode: R5G6B5A0 Z16 S0
- 3.585 GPix/s color only
- 6.101 GPix/s z only
- 2.706 GPix/s color and z
- 2.166 GPix/s z tested (pass), color and z
- 27.956 GPix/s discardable by LEQUAL depth test
- 5.353 GPix/s discardable by GEQUAL depth test
- 27.957 GPix/s discardable by EQUAL depth test
Mode: R8G8B8A8 Z24 S8
- available to buffer clears
- 48.753 GB/s all buffers
- 96.185 GB/s color only
- 32.621 GB/s depth and stencil
- 72.374 GB/s depth only
- 12.201 GB/s stencil only
- 30.007 GB/s worst case draw bandwidth
- 267.387 MB/s burned by the RAMDAC
- 30.274 GB/s estimated physical bandwidth
Mode: R5G6B5A0 Z0 S0
- Plain vertices
- 223.607 MTris/s as triangle fan
- 89.568 MTris/s as triangle list
- 89.586 MTris/s clipped
- Vertex shading speed
- 44.751 MTris/s lit (one directional light)
- 37.497 MTris/s lit (one point light)
- 12.495 MTris/s lit (eight point lights)
Mode: R5G6B5A0 Z0 S0
- Textured fillrate
- Bilinear filter
- 3.575 GPix/s w 1 layers
- 2.676 GPix/s w 2 layers
- 1.784 GPix/s w 3 layers
- 1.339 GPix/s w 4 layers
- Trilinear filter
- 2.689 GPix/s w 1 layers
- 1.346 GPix/s w 2 layers
- 897.777 MPix/s w 3 layers
- 673.146 MPix/s w 4 layers
Mode: R8G8B8A8 Z24 S8
- Whole buffer
- 203.961 MPix/s of R8G8B8A8 colors
- 338.249 MPix/s of B8G8R8A8 colors
- 215.240 MPix/s of R8G8B8 colors
- 227.960 MPix/s of B8G8R8 colors
- 210.123 MPix/s of depth data (unsigned integer)
- 210.286 MPix/s of depth data (float)
- 306.598 MPix/s of stencil
- 32x32 region
- 29.342 MPix/s as R8G8B8A8
- 32.014 MPix/s as B8G8R8A8
- 29.682 MPix/s as R8G8B8
- 30.519 MPix/s as B8G8R8
- 30.787 MPix/s of depth data (unsigned integer)
- 29.282 MPix/s of depth data (float)
- 31.142 MPix/s of stencil
Texture cache
Mode: R8G8B8A8 Z24 S8
- 8B using RGBA textures(CSV)
- 8 kiB using DXT1 textures(CSV)
- 16 kiB using DXT5 textures(CSV)
Mode: R8G8B8A8 Z24 S8
- preferred block alignment
- updating all buffers (CSV)
- 4 pixels wide
- 4 pixels high
- in color buffer (CSV)
- 4 pixels wide
- 4 pixels high
- in depth buffer (CSV)
- 8 pixels wide
- 64 pixels high
- in stencil buffer (CSV)
- 8 pixels wide
- 64 pixels high
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