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Code Samples

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Code Sample 27  

his code sample shows how to use several cameras and how to switch from one to another by linking function from the LUA API with hotkeys. It shows how to setup reflective surface to simulate water movement. This demo requires DOT3 Bump Mapping support. Press F1 or F2 to change active camera.

Keywords: hotkey - script - EXECUTE_EACH_FRAME - camera - mesh - model - lua

Code Sample 41  

Shows how to clone mesh in LUA script.

Keywords: for loop - HYP_Object.SetRenderState - HYP_Object.SetLightingState - HYP_Object.SetTexturingState - HYP_Object.SetPosition - HYP_Object.RemoveSeam - HYP_Object.SetVBOState - EXECUTE_ONCE - EXECUTE_EACH_FRAME - camera - mesh - lua

Code Sample 46  

This code sample shows how to use timers to execute code at regular interval.

Keywords: timer - script - ASYNCHRONOUS

Code Sample 56  

This code sample shows the use of intervals to control the flow of a demo.

Keywords: interval - script - ASYNCHRONOUS

Code Sample 71  

Shows how to deform a mesh in a simple way with scaling. and the importance of normals renormalization after scaling. Shows how to use the groups to control in an unique way several entities (objects, scripts).

Keywords: group - model - normalize - script - EXECUTE_EACH_FRAME - HYP_Object.PopTripod - HYP_Object.SetScale

Code Sample 85  

Shows how to use the ring mesh to do a shockwave effect. Shows how to use the sound to increase the explosion realism. Shows how to shake the camera with explosion.

Keywords: mesh - RING - script - EXECUTE_ONCE - EXECUTE_EACH_FRAME - hotkey - audio - font - text_2d

Code Sample 91  

Shows how to use the curve node and its associated lua functions. Plots a very simple curve (f(x) = 0.01*x*x - 10.0).

Keywords: curve - script - HYP_Curve.SetColor - HYP_Curve.GetNumPoints - HYP_Curve.SetValue

Code Sample 95  

Shows to use of LUA HYP_Scene, HYP_Object and HYP_Mesh libraries and some simple math in order to create a cool spiral.

Keywords: HYP_Object.Clone - HYP_Object.SetRenderState - HYP_Object.SetVBOState - HYP_Scene.RemoveObject - HYP_Object.AddChild - HYP_Object.SetPosition - HYP_Mesh.SetVerticesColor

Code Sample 96  

This code shows how to make the camera stick close to any kind of relief, even a hilly ground. It uses HYP_Mesh.GetElevation() function of the LUA API. The code uses heightmap to generate a hilly ground as well as the vertex buffer object (vbo) option to speed up the rendering of meshes featuring static polygones. HYP_Mesh.GetElevation() works with any kind of mesh (not only mesh terrain).

Keywords: mesh - terrain - HYP_Mesh.GetElevation - HYP_Camera.SetPosition - HYP_Camera.GetPosition

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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