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Demoniak3D Ageia PhysX Pendulum

Demoniak3D Demo-System - Ageia PhysX Pendulum Demo


Demoniak3D Ageia PhysX Pendulum Demo
Win32 Executable + Source code
Zip Archive - (3070k)
Date de sortie: November 14, 2007
For any bug report or feedback, please send an email to jegx[AT]ozone3d[DOT]net and add "[DEMO FEEDBACK]" to the subject. Vous can also post your feedbacks in the demo's topic: Demoniak3D Demo - Ageia PhysX Pendulum.

Recommended configuration:
  • Operating System: Windows XP SP2
  • Processor: Pentium III or AMD Athlon and up processor - 800 MHz and up.
  • Memory: 1Gb RAM and up
  • Graphics Controller: ATI Radeon 9700 and up (with the latest Catalyst drivers) or GeForce 6600 and up (with the latest Forceware drivers)
  • Resolution: 1024x768 - 32 bits/pixel


This small demo shows how to use the Ageia PhysX engine "distance joints". "distance joints" allow to link two objects without direct contact. You can materialize the distance joint as a rope. This demo shows also how to perform 3d picking to select meshes.

Instructions for use:
This demo requires an OpenGL 1.2 compliant graphics card and the latest Ageia PhysX drivers. Unzip the archive and start DEMO_AgeiaPhysX_Pendulum.exe. That's all folk!

More information about Ageia PhysX drivers can be found here: Ageia PhysX Drivers and Demoniak3D

The demo's source code is located in the DEMO_AgeiaPhysX_Pendulum.xml file.

And as usual, if you want to experience realtime 3d coding, just go there: Demoniak3D Home Page

Author Profile

Author:Jerome 'JeGX' Guinot
Contact:jegx [at] ozone3d [dot] net

GeeXLab demos

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