Under Visual Studio 2005 (VC8), you can enable the multithreaded build of projects. This great feature makes it possible to use several CPUs to build your projects. This is a per-project setting and it’s done in command line: /MPx where x is the number of cores you want to use. Example: /MP2 to use 2 CPUs if you have (like me) a core2duo.
I’ve done some tests with Demoniak3D:
– Demoniak3D (default): Build Time 0:33
– Demoniak3D (/MP2): Build Time 0:15
Great boost in productivity of large projects!
You can also specify only /MP without number and VS will use all cores you have.
This setting btw also works for VS2005. Even for Express edition.
Thanks for this information đ
Il faut dĂ©sactiver la fonction “Activation de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration minimal” (/Gm) sinon /MP sera dĂ©sactivĂ© et vous aurez cette erreur :
Ligne de commande warning D9030 : ‘/Gm’ incompatible avec le multitraitement ; commutateur /MP ignorĂ©